What would you do if you had more than 50 open positions and 40 travel nurses in your OR? If you were part of the team at University of Virginia Medical Center (UVAMC) in Charlottesville, you would get busy recruiting and retaining staff. “We knew we couldn’t continue down that…
Like most OR leaders, Doug Robinson, BSN, RN, CNOR, manager of the Roberts Operating Rooms at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, wants a steady supply of OR nurses. Robinson has reached back to his own student experience to develop a program that gives students OR exposure, with the intent…
In the days after the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, many praised the way the city’s hospitals responded to the attack. But clinicians in those hospitals aren’t resting on their laurels. They have examined what worked well (and not so well) after the event and continue to plan…
Surgical checklist compliance among 4 Canadian hospitals was around 60% in a large, retrospective study of acute care operations performed in 2010 and 2011. Although Alberta Health Services in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, had mandated checklist use starting in 2009, limitations such as instructional misuse, lack of perceived benefit, and lack…
Among the challenges facing OR leaders everywhere are declining payment in tandem with rising costs, increased quality and patient satisfaction requirements, and the ongoing struggle to manage relations with surgeons. When it comes to tackling these issues, many OR directors do not realize they have a powerful natural ally—the anesthesiology…
How to identify the most common problems that occur in the OR and then find ways to prevent them is a trick most OR leaders would love to learn. A solution that shows some promise is a web-based debriefing questionnaire, judging by the experience of a multidisciplinary safety team at…
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is affecting every part of the healthcare system, including ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). Whether it will help or hinder ASCs, however, will depend on how adept they are at managing changes in the way they are paid and how they interact with…
Shooting incidents are occurring throughout the US with increasing and alarming frequency. Among those in late 2013: the Washington, DC, Navy Yard on September 16—12 dead, 3 injured before the gunman took his own life; the Sparks, Nevada middle school on October 21—1 dead, 2 wounded before the student wielding…