Prior to the advent of nurses in operational leadership roles, operational decisions in healthcare were made by financial and business executives, as well as physicians, without full and adequate input from nursing. Today, nurses have earned their place at the management table as a vital part of the outcomes of…
The differences between sterile processing (SP) and OR tasks and department cultures are significant. However, they share a collective goal: both work toward the best outcome for every patient. Still, both departments often suffer from having unrealistic goals for each other. One example is that the OR may expect instruments…
Advances in surgery and the growing use of technology and equipment have contributed to the ascendance of the hospital setting for the education and training of perioperative nurses when delivering surgical care. Education and training programs based on hospital needs have led to a diversity of methods among employers and…
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in 31 hospital patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection (HAI) on any given day. To help mitigate HAIs, implementing infection control procedures and policies, frequently performing hand hygiene by all staff and patients, and keeping the healthcare environment…
Keynote Announced for OR Manager Conference Dr. Rose Sherman to speak at Afternoon Keynote Presentation Rockville, MD – February 17, 2022 – Dr. Rose O Sherman, RN, EdD, NEA-BC, FAAN is confirmed to speak at the 2022 OR Manager Conference, ASC Leader Summit, and PACU Manager Summit this October in…
This relationship started with a conversation in an airport bar in Washington DC. We were discussing our similar cardiac surgery backgrounds and the Denver Bronco’s linebacker, Karl Mecklenburg, who, coincidently, was the son of a surgeon with whom she had worked. This conversation has grown into more than 35 years…
It has been a roller coaster of a ride for almost 2 years now in both our private and professional lives. No one has a crystal ball, but I would guess that there will be more bumps in the road before we arrive at something close to normal—whatever normal will…