Is technology part of the answer for nursing staff woes? As COVID-19 patients continue to fill hospital beds, caregivers are feeling exhausted, burned out, and unappreciated. OR nurses have been especially hit hard, as shifts in surgeries and overflowing patient wards stretch OR nurses beyond their limits and comfort zones.…
Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are one of the fastest-growing and highest-margin segments of the healthcare industry. As ASCs continue to expand, facilities need to enhance their workflow processes and procedures to help divert staff more toward actual patient care. Crash cart management is an aspect for ASCs where time and…
REMINDER: Advanced Rates expire on April 28! Register for OR Business Management Conference by April 28 to save on your All-Access, Conference, or Workshop Pass! Explore some of our featured sessions, learning objectives, and take-home tools below. To view the full conference agenda, click here. Approach Staffing with a Renewed…
Most, if not all, nurses will agree that the bedrock of the nursing profession is the connection nurses have with their patients. But the leaders—nurses who demonstrate specialized skills and an organization-driven mindset—are the ones who oversee all the moving parts that need to synchronize to preserve the integrity of…
Even before the pandemic, many OR leaders struggled to maintain adequate staffing. However, COVID-19 has undoubtedly aggravated the situation, with many nurses choosing to exit the profession, leave the hospital setting, or seek higher wages as a per diem traveler. As OR leaders work to fill open positions, they may…
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), the global ambulatory surgery center (ASC) market is valued at around $81 billion, as of 2020, and it is projected to reach $120 billion by 2027. The ASC market in the US is estimated at almost $22 billion, with intelligence company…
Nurses have the highest incidence of work-related musculoskeletal injuries in the US, and OR nurses have the highest incidence among all nursing specialties. Estimates in the literature say more than 50% report chronic back pain, and 10% must leave their profession entirely because of back injuries. It is also estimated…
What happens when global supply chains—which are already typically operated lean across the board—are hit with a once-in-a-century pandemic? An ongoing, collective lesson in economics. The problem is not hard to understand: COVID-19 shutdowns brought manufacturing to a near standstill, during which time the demand for goods increased, and now there…