Health systems nationwide are examining policies and procedures related to their resources, staffing, and scheduling to prepare for anticipated patient surges due to COVID-19. In late March, I talked with perioperative physicians and administrators from two health systems with rapid increases in COVID-positive cases, which have prompted significant changes in…
When the coronavirus pandemic begins to subside, hospital leaders will be sorting out the repercussions and trying to resume normal operations. The main impact on ORs has been the widespread cancellation of non-essential procedures. Case cancellations in March and April have reduced elective procedure volumes as much as 90%. Most…
Professionalism may not be a concept OR leaders consciously think about, but they should. As role models for their staffs, they set the behavior standards for the OR, and failure to insist on professionalism can be damaging. Professionalism is not defined simply by dress or presentation, says David A. Wyatt,…
Planning for volume growth and adopting best business practices for the perioperative environment were overarching themes at the 2020 OR Business Management Conference (ORBMC) in late January. Leading healthcare industry clinicians and experts offered fresh insights into competing in the burgeoning outpatient surgery market and persuading stakeholders to switch to…
April OR Manager draws on some of the content presented at the 2020 OR Business Management Conference in January and the 2019 OR Manager Conference, which took place last September. OR Business Management Conference attendees start each year with a look at the latest technology, reimbursement models, and emerging trends…
Data breaches in the healthcare setting are on the rise, according to recent federal statistics. In November 2019, the US Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights reported that 29 data breaches affecting 570,565 patients took place, a notable rise from the more than 311,000 people…
Over the last 5 years, the perioperative surgical home (PSH) model has attracted increasing interest from OR directors, anesthesiologists, and surgeons. This team-based, patient-centered approach coordinates all phases of surgical care, from preoperative assessment through intraoperative care and postdischarge recovery. According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, PSH initiatives have…
More than half of respondents to a recent OR Manager reader survey put cost-saving initiatives at the top of their list of important topics, and cost reduction is an ongoing challenge for many OR managers. Leaders at Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVH), based in Allentown, Pennsylvania, took a creative approach…