The inaugural Bundled Payment Bootcamp on June 20 in Nashville, Tennessee, was a timely opportunity for healthcare providers to learn how reimbursement is changing the way they do business. Though the uncertain direction of US healthcare legislation continues to cause consternation, this workshop—which will be presented again in fall 2017—clarifies…
Anyone who heard Vicki Hess, MS, RN, CSP, speak at the annual OR Manager Conference in 2013 probably remembers her lively, compelling message in the closing keynote presentation. Her interactive “Time Out!” talk left attendees with renewed energy and a take-home tool—a simple five-step “SHIFT” checklist to help OR managers…
Uncertainties pepper the healthcare landscape, but the shift to value-based care is expected to continue, even though momentum may slow under the current administration. That means perioperative services leaders must continue to explore new care delivery options such as the perioperative surgical home (sidebar, p 17). “The demand for value…
Leaders seeking competent staff for the OR are increasingly training their own. These internal programs, typically targeted toward both new graduates and nurses without previous OR experience, require planning, organization, and follow-through. “You need to integrate the didactic with the clinical setting,” says Ellen Lord, MS, RN, CNOR, a perioperative…
Between the expanding population and the increasing number of surgical procedures being performed, demand for surgical services is climbing. One study has predicted a 14% to 47% increase in surgical demand across all surgical fields by 2020. Given the high cost of operations, an efficient workflow is paramount, and there…
Medicare is increasing approval of higher-acuity procedures performed in the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting, creating meaningful opportunities for ASCs. At the same time, however, a number of outpatient procedure codes have been deleted, reduced, or are packaged and considered all-inclusive in a case, without additional payment. “Key changes occurred…
Keeping a close eye on implants that are opened and not used is one way OR leaders can track practices that add significantly to costs. But what about blood products? Blood taken to the OR and not used also can be costly. Although an individual unit of blood doesn't compare…
Researchers at the University of Michigan (U-M), Ann Arbor, have invented a new surgical instrument with the goal of addressing a vast, unmet need in minimally invasive surgery. For less than a thousand dollars, this platform technology—currently being commercialized by the start-up FlexDex Surgical—offers capabilities similar to those of the…