Editor's Note The Joint Commission summarizes sentinel event-related data reported from accredited organizations quarterly and annually. The data (from 2004 through 3Q 2015) demonstrate the need for the Joint Commission and accredited healthcare organizations to continue to address these serious adverse events, the Joint Commission says. Surgery-related events in the…
Editor's Note In this study, patients with psychiatric disorders (PsDs) requiring psychopharmacological treatments had an increase in postoperative morbidity after fast-track total hip and total knee arthroplasties, regardless of treatment type and preoperative comorbidities. Among PsD patients: Pain, postoperative anemia, and pulmonary complications were the most frequent causes of length…
Editor's Note This analysis of data from the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry found several factors independently associated with increased perioperative mortality (within 48 hours of anesthesia induction): Increasing American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status Emergency case status Cases beginning between 4:00 pm and 6:59 am Patient age less than…
Editor's Note This study from Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, found a significant relationship between OR door openings and room pressure. The OR door was opened, on average, once every 2.5 minutes of surgery. For 77 of 191 knee and hip arthroplasties, the doors were open long enough for…
Editor's Note The US Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released its 2016 Work Plan announcing new initiatives for ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), the ASCA News Digest reports. The initiatives include: Review the appropriateness of Medicare’s methodology for setting ASC payment rates. Revitalize outdated…
Editor's Note In a survey by Himagine Solutions, large hospitals reported a 30% to 45% reduction in productivity for inpatients and a 20% to 40% reduction for outpatients since implementation of the ICD-10 codes, Healthcare Informatics reports. Though loss in productivity can mean a disruption to the revenue cycle, one…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on November 17 released its annual report on America’s Hospitals: Improving Quality and Safety, which summarizes data on 49 accountability measures reported by more than 3,300 accredited hospitals. For the first time, acute care hospitals were required to meet program criteria in six sets—an increase…
Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has finalized the rule that will require hospitals in 67 geographic areas to participate in a test of bundled payments for hip and knee replacements, Modern Healthcare reports. Medicare's average bundled payment ranges from $16,500 to $33,000 for surgery, hospitalization,…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration on November 13 identified the recall of Hamilton G5 Ventilators V2.00 and V2.31 as Class I, the most serious. The ventilator may stop working, without sounding an alarm, when the oxygen enrichment key is pressed to attach the mask to the patient. If…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 13 ordered Custom Ultrasonics (Ivyland, Pennsylvania) to recall all of its automated endoscope reprocessors from healthcare facilities because of federal law violations and a consent decree entered with the company in 2007. The violations could result in an increased risk…