Editor's Note A condition known as “post hospital syndrome” (PHS) is a significant risk factor for readmissions in patients who undergo elective ambulatory surgery, this study finds. Post hospital syndrome (PHS) is defined as having been hospitalized within 90 days before surgery. During hospitalization, patients are often sleep deprived and…
Editor's Note Though recent studies using large databases have concluded that neuraxial compared with general anesthesia is associated with a decreased incidence of SSIs in total joint patients, this 11-year retrospective, controlled study found no difference. The use of peripheral nerve blocks also was not found to influence the incidence…
Editor's Note Since publication of the Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in 2009, the number of nonacute percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) has declined significantly (89,704 vs 59,375). The proportion of nonacute PCIs classified as inappropriate has also declined (26.2% vs 13.3%), although hospital-level variation persists. These findings indicate that…
Editor's Note Inadequate cleaning of flexible endoscopes is first on the ECRI Institute’s annual Top 10 Health Technology Hazards list for 2016. Failure to effectively monitor postoperative patients for opioid-induced respiratory depression is third, and insufficient training of clinicians on OR technologies is fifth. ECRI Institute releases the Top 10…
Editor's Note Blacks are at a significantly higher risk of having total knee revision surgery within 5 years than whites, finds a study presented at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The risk of revision was 38% higher in blacks. When blacks undergo knee replacement they…
Editor's Note Obese patients who had gastric bypass surgery cut their healthcare costs nearly 40% after 4 years and 80% if they had type 2 diabetes preoperatively, finds this study presented at Obesity Week 2015, which is hosted by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. The main reduction…
Editor's Note More than half (56%) of 313 medical device postapproval studies ordered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from January 1, 2007, through February 23, 2015, were for cardiovascular devices, and most are making adequate progress, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. Postapproval studies are ordered…
Perioperative Nurse Week 2015 is a time to celebrate the profession, honor perioperative nurses, and educate the public on the important role of the perioperative nurse in safe patient care. Thank you to all perioperative nurses for your hard work and dedication.
Editor's Note Referred to as the “July phenomenon,” the influx of new surgical residents and interns at the beginning of the academic year is assumed to be associated with poor outcomes. This study of nearly 1.5 million patients who had emergency general surgery either early (July-August) or late (September-June) in…
Editor's Note A coalition of 111 medical societies on November 4 sent letters asking Senate and House leaders to take legislative action to pause Stage 3 of the electronic health records meaningful use program and revise Stage 2 so that it enables provider success, HealthData Management reports. Stage 3 requirements…