Distractions detract from OR teamwork Distractions in the OR are associated with higher mental workload and stress and poorer teamwork among OR personnel, a study finds. The most prevalent distractions were those from external staff, followed by case-irrelevant conversations. Case-irrelevant conversations initiated by surgeons were associated with lower teamwork in…
In the dangerous world of hospital-acquired infections, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) patient infections associated with the use of duodenoscopes has proven to be a substantial concern for healthcare facilities and patients. Several large-scale outbreaks in the last year have prompted questions about the safety of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) endoscopy procedures,…
Perioperative services is the key driver of a hospital’s performance. More than 68% of better performing hospitals’ revenue comes from perioperative services, and 60% of their margin is derived from the OR, according to Alecia Torrance, MBA, BS, RN, CNOR, senior vice president of clinical operations, Surgical Directions, Chicago. One…
Many organizations have reaped the benefits of adopting Lean concepts, such as greater workflow efficiency, staff engagement, and cost savings. After initial improvements are made, however, it can be hard to sustain the process changes over time. That was the case at Nemours A. I. duPont Hospital for Children in…
For many, the arrival of this issue of OR Manager may coincide with summer vacation—typically a good time to catch up on reading and decompress before the busy fall season begins. In the publishing world, however, things hardly ever seem to slow down. This year has been exceptionally fast-paced as…
Providing ideal patient care is the fundamental purpose behind Adaptive Design, an innovative systems approach that engages frontline staff in problem solving and focuses on improving patient care as part of everyone’s daily work. “More access to better care at a continually lower cost is the promise of doing Adaptive…
At least half the battle in making and sustaining process improvements is getting the entire team on board with a new workflow. One key to getting buy-in from staff is to clarify why changes are needed and what the consequences may be if the new processes aren’t followed. In a…
Perhaps no other departments in a hospital work as closely together as the OR and the sterile processing department, yet friction isn’t uncommon as both areas strive to meet service demands. Although the relationship between the two is unlikely to ever be free of tension, leaders of both departments increasingly…